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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Simple Info That Can Save Time & Money

At Environmental, we've discovered that the more information a customer is able to provide about their a/c and/or heating system, the more prepared our service technicians can be to expedite getting the customer's system back up and running.  While our service technicians have a wealth of knowledge and can solve really any problem with a malfunctioning hvac system, a lot of times it's the customer that can provide the most important observable information that saves everyone both time and money. 

For example, there are instances when a customer will call and say their a/c is no longer cooling.  We then ask if they are receiving any air flow at all or is it a case where the air that is coming out is just warm or room temperature?  By simply knowing this, the customer can quite possibly eliminate one whole part of a system and isolate right away where the malfunctioning part likely lies.  Again, every bit of info a customer can provide us before the initial service appointment can possibly end up saving them a good deal of money on labor costs and return trips.  By no means are we asking people to be experts on the subject, just simple observations noted by the customer can provide time saving clues much like a witness to a crime.  This is especially crucial for those mysterious intermittent problems that need to be directly observed in order to properly diagnose the issue.  There are separate autonomous electrical and mechanical systems at work within any single hvac system.  If one of these independent circuits or refrigerant flow systems were to begin to malfunction, it can cause the whole system to perform inefficiently or very likely not at all.  So when a customer is able to report their direct observance, it often allows the servicing technician to know beforehand what to expect and where to start.

Any information is good information when reporting a problem with your home's hvac system.  Your professional servicing technician and your wallet will thank you!

Environmental Heating & Air of NC