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Friday, April 22, 2016

Landscaping For Shade And Energy Efficiency

Did you know that proper landscaping can can have quite a significant effect on the energy efficiency in your home during the warmer months?  The Department of Energy claims that the shade from having trees properly planted around your home can lower the surrounding air temperature by as much as 9 degrees.  It might not sound like a lot, but that actually can have considerable impact on your air conditioner's energy consumption.  Proper landscaping involves planting the right kind of trees and shrubs in strategic locations to accurately account for the positions of the sun throughout the day and the moving shadows your trees and shrubs will create.  The Department of Energy website goes in-depth on this as well as choosing trees that will also be helpful during the colder months as well.  The link is provided below.  Please take a moment and check out the Department of Energy website and learn how to start saving money while staying cool....

Department of Energy

Environmental Heating & Air of NC

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Thinking About Getting A New Air Conditioner?

At certain times of the year, the price of purchasing a new heating and air conditioning unit is at it's absolute lowest.  Those times take place most often at the end of the year and also when supply/demand dictates.  For example, right now!  The between seasons period is the most sluggish period sales-wise, and in an effort to keep products moving along, manufacturers are forced to lower their prices on new systems.  Which in turn is very beneficial to the customer, that kinda goes without saying.

Not only during these times does the cost of a new system go down, but also the interest rate that goes along with financing that new system!  It's a well known fact that the economy is bad right now and couple that with the above mentioned weather, and you've got yourself a perfect time to purchase that new system that you've had in the back of your mind that you know will need purchasing soon.  So I'm just trying to help you folks out by filling you in on the best times of the year to get that new system!  Trust me, you don't want to wait until the weather changes and demand goes back up, because so will the prices and interest rates!  At Environmental, we offer free quotes on system replacements with no pressure or hassle.  Our quotes are good for 30 days, so if you're even thinking you might need a new system before too long, strike now while the iron is hot!  Give us a call!
